Lionfish (Pteroinae), often also called lionfish, less often lionfish (from the English term lionfish), are inhabitants of the coral reefs of the developed Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea from the suborder of the scorpionfish relatives (Scorpaenoidei). They are very conspicuous due to their large, fan-shaped pectoral fins with long, quickly detached pectoral fin spines. The coloring of the lionfish is determined by a dense pattern of reddish or brownish and white horizontal stripes and, together with the contour-dissolving shape of the fish, serves as camouflage. They are hardly recognizable when they stand between acropores, tree soft corals, crinoids, gorgon heads, feather worms or calcareous tube worms. Depending on the species, lionfish are 12 to over 40 centimeters long. The name, coined by G. Cuvier in 1816, means "the winged, feathered one" (but is usually understood as feminine).
Material: 4mm wood - 5 layers
Dimensions: approx. 368 x 25 cm
Weight: 0,300 kg
Simple, multi layer construction, easy to build
Sold as a lasered untreated do it yourself kit
34.13 USD
34.13 USD per set

ca. 3-4 days